DJ Unique Detail Podcast

Seduction Delight Kinky Sex Deviant Pleasures Sensuality
Pure Erotica Fantastic Tales..... You get all these and more.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fucking Life

Sometimes I just want to be, I just want to be your man. 
Let me be the man and you be the woman 
I know I’m stronger than you but maybe for tonight while I lay here tired and stress you can bless me with this one kiss or even better a hug. 
I love those hugs so maybe you can just hold me down for tonight. It wouldn’t take to long . 
You like hugging and kissing so I say I get 
but I don’t 
because sometimes I need it but you don’t give it. 
Fuck you 
You seem okay while I’m drifting away. 
These fucking years are just rolling and one day I’m leaving cause I don’t want you 
but I love 
but not in love with you. 
Sometimes I wish you would run me, break my fucking heart and say fuck me 
But you wouldn’t do that 
You’re to good for that so instead you just stay and we don’t go anywhere 
And I know you cheated but you don’t seem to care 
I just want to go but the kid….. 
I can’t let you grow up like me 
So I stay 
But one day I would leave

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Few Serious Questions?

What cha know bout love?

Nothing, you can't know true love if you've never felt it

Thats like picking out a flower blindfolded and never smelled it

Love is that first smile, and how yours heart melted

When you looked in her eyes and the new feelings you dealt with

Love is pure like a painters blank canvass,

Love is what you make it, a feeling that you can't miss

But love can be dangerous in the hands of the evil

Cause love also has the power to mislead and deceive you

It's easy to say "I love you" and many will believe you,

But loves only real, when two loves are equal

What cha know bout romance?

Yeah, you aint got a clue

Call her up at work just to say "I love you"

A note on the pillow, I'd put nothing above you

Little pet names like Suga and Boo Boo

It doesn't take much to let her know that you're true

A single red rose is only a dollar thirty-two

Spray your cologne on her clothes, to remind her of you

Invite her to do shit with you and your crew,

She don't really wanna go, she just want you to ask her to

Run her a bath or two, make sure she laughs with you

Yo, you provide then she'll ride with you

What cha know bout passion?

Not much I bet,

Cause if it ain't wet, it ain't ready yet

You start at the neck with gentle tongue play

Then make your way to her mental doorway

And that's when you say I've been waitin' all day,

To bless you with a taste of my verbal 4play

I listen to you whimper, as I speak to your soul

Yearning for your flesh as this saga unfolds

So I toggle my flows to match the rhythm of your heartbeat

Then steadily massage you pedigree til we both peak

Don't speak, let me swim in the depths of your consciousness

Then consciously become adept to your raunchiness

What cha know bout making love to woman?

Put cha dick in, then take it out when ya finished?

It's this type of thinkin' that makes real love diminish

Love-making is 90% cerebral, so if ya mindsets feeble

Your return rate will equal

Negative, nil, no cheap thrills, no sequel

You have to indulge in the pure essence of a woman

Uninhibited love lessons are the truest

Anatomy explorations with speech fluids,

Fingers guide hands through mammary gland movements

Grove with smooth shifts into positional flips and leg lifts,

Bodies contort yet the passion persist

Freedom without risk, oasis at long last

Feels like eternity, yet only short moments have passed

Disguised in the mask of smut and vulgarity

Is this little thing called LOVE,

And thats my reality.... that is all!! 

Reconstruction Notes.... Because of You

Every night I toss and turn

Racing to catch sleep

That runs faster than me

Because of you

Every morning while I shave

I put on my “don’t give a fuck” mask

That face I show the world

Because men don’t hurt

Men don’t yearn

Men don’t regret

Or so the story is told

Because of you

Every day I try to focus

On other things

Like life, and moving on

While that voice whispers

In the back of mind

And that ache pushes

At the back of my heart

Because of you

Out of sight, out of mind

Is a motherfucking lie

The voice and the ache just won’t die

I’ve run out of ways to ask myself why

Because I never get an answer

Like I didn’t get one from you

All that being said

I’ve come to the conclusion

That there is no answer

Because you’re Eve’s daughter

Which means that the best

Will never be good enough

Because you always want more

You’re always looking for the next thing

Wanting it to be better than the last

Well, good luck with that

So because of you

I might have to deal

With the voice that won’t stop whispering

And the ache that won’t fade away

But I also know baby, that one day

You’ll look back and wish that you had

What you used to have

Because of me

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mental Passage Fact

Mental Passage Fact

The sweet tones of your voice

Your dimples, your smile

Makes a man like me

Want to take that extra mile

I visualize us, just me and you

And I sit and think

About what we can do!

The sex in many positions

and different places

It's just so erotic

To watch all your faces,

As you cum and moan

And shiver and shake,

The smell is so sensuous

From the passionate luv that we make.

But dayum..... I realize

That alone can never last

Like the death of a loved one,

This too, will pass!

So what I know I had too do

As my body yearns,

Guess I'm doin' like Usher

And just let this shyt Burn!

I'll no longer wait

I'll call this "thing" done,

I have willingly dropped all others

To be with you my "Special One"!!!!


Visions of your peach thighs in garter

has fingers wanting to be elsewhere.

Situation, like you, getting harder

Posing so exquisitely and sexily

worthy of Penthouse material

Compliment each other so perfect

Me, Grade A. You, crunchy cereal

Trying to keep my focus on portfolio.

That private nasty picture collection.

May as well undo my pants

Take some pressure of my raging erection

Pose upon pose, you strike

My combustible coffee-creamed match

You turn to get on all fours

Nasty plan in mind starts to hatch

Unbutton white flannel to waist

Need to hearten my sexual grief

Camera put down gently

Walk behind you, tip-toeing thief

Underwear down to my knees

Straining so much I hurt

You shift your weight to bent elbows

I push up…….

I take aim…… I insert.

Audible gasp leave lips

You recapture balance unsteady

I wasn't only one heated

Judging by moisture…….

it was ready

Skin gloves roam over round flesh

I'm a junkie, hooked anew with each thrust

grips me tighter than

purified winged- dust

Pace quickens, breath heavy, bed creaks

Pendulum nipples swing low

I pull autumn follicles with free hand

Feeling coming over me, I know………

lose myself in your mystery

Seek light, a hungered theologian

Can't hold it anymore……..

I need it……

Earth quakes with volcanic explosion.

Can never quite finish these sessions

To agenda I always try to stick

But consistently it ends up like this…..

and it always begins

……with a click.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dayum....... WHAT IF?

Dayum....... WHAT IF?


Listen I was thinking about the things I did and the words I said

She said she was not happy with what was displayed

Just leave me alone and let me live and let me be

I said there is something special about her

Just can't flow within my life without her

Yeah I'm really in the WHAT IF stage

Some will say "What you mean about the what if stage?"

.... just READ and I will example want I mean

What if ...we were wrong about each other?

What if ...we're really made for eachother?

What if ...we were meant to be together?

Would that not mean anything?

Some have even said.... "How can you be for sure about things?"

I didn't think about it that way

Lemme give more reasons why we are meant to be

And just maybe I can make that what if stage become our reality

What if I am supposed to be her future husband?

What if she supposed to be my wife with a happy family?

What if there is suppose to be a house that we chill and make love intensely in?

If I can't be sure that her heart isn't still with me
What the hell you expect me to say
I'm just a UNIQUE man showing true feelings

I changed my format out of respect to start the next what if stage any questions....

pay attention to the details?

pay attention to the details?

Do you mind if I pay attention to the details?

the small things often overlooked...

and forgotten

See it is this attention that assists

whether it be truth or lies that flows from lips

like the body language that you insist

Some lack the capability to understand you with.

Baby I am not transfixed on you

not overly engrossed in the trivial things you do

this is just knowledge I pass to you

in my humble attempt to have you see

that I am paying attention to what is surrounding me

Intricately Intricate

Like the period that completes the question mark

without it the sentence is incomplete

but completely I recognize what I see

I see that you are attempting to fuck with me

Having me come out of my tranquility

as you play mentally

with my intellect

the highest form of disrespect

Intricate is the way I keep this in check.

Do you mind if I pay attention to the details?

the small things often know forgotten