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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Reconstruction Notes.... Because of You

Every night I toss and turn

Racing to catch sleep

That runs faster than me

Because of you

Every morning while I shave

I put on my “don’t give a fuck” mask

That face I show the world

Because men don’t hurt

Men don’t yearn

Men don’t regret

Or so the story is told

Because of you

Every day I try to focus

On other things

Like life, and moving on

While that voice whispers

In the back of mind

And that ache pushes

At the back of my heart

Because of you

Out of sight, out of mind

Is a motherfucking lie

The voice and the ache just won’t die

I’ve run out of ways to ask myself why

Because I never get an answer

Like I didn’t get one from you

All that being said

I’ve come to the conclusion

That there is no answer

Because you’re Eve’s daughter

Which means that the best

Will never be good enough

Because you always want more

You’re always looking for the next thing

Wanting it to be better than the last

Well, good luck with that

So because of you

I might have to deal

With the voice that won’t stop whispering

And the ache that won’t fade away

But I also know baby, that one day

You’ll look back and wish that you had

What you used to have

Because of me

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